Friday, July 1, 2011

Red, white, and delicious!

Nothing like the Friday of an extra long holiday weekend to put some jump in your step!  Some treats to fix for your holiday get-togethers this weekend.  In the tradition of a Friday list, let's see what's out there on the great interwebs

1. Classic caprese salad.  Check out The Pioneer Woman's absolutely s-t-u-n-n-i-n-g photographs -- they're practically art! -- and amusing commentary while you're at it.

2. Firecracker whoopie pies... or moon pies... or gobs, depending on your beliefs, on Annie's Eats.  
3. Refresh yourself and others with a tall glass of watermelon lemonade courtesy of Confections of a Foodie Bride.  Have you ever seen a brighter more summery looking drink?  I think not!

If you need some help planning your menu for the day, let me kindly offer a few suggestions.

For breakfast, try a slice or two of banana strawberry bread to start your day off on a fresh, patriotic foot.

Next up, a cool coastal lunch of Maryland-style crab cakes with a fresh salad, followed by a sweet single scoop of your favorite ice cream with homemade strawberry topping.  And yes, to answer your question, you absolutely deserve dessert after lunch :)

Finally, fire up the grill for dinner and make a batch of stuffed turkey burgers that will ooze gooey melted cheese when you bite into them.  Then, when everyone thinks it can't possibly get any better, bring out a big red velvet cake as the Pièce de résistance.  "See?  I told you it gets better."

Still looking for a showstopper for your upcoming party?  For a bigger list of picnic-friendly foods, check out my previous lists and posts.  In the meantime, three cheers for this fantastic country of ours!  Have a great weekend! :)

1 comment:

  1. The correct term is definitely whoopie pie. Also, your day-long menu sounds delicious.
