Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sweet & sour dessert sauce for fresh fruit

Imagine my excitement when I came home yesterday to find Matt in my kitchen, with dinner made and dessert waiting in the fridge.  A perfect surprise!  Mostly because when I get home from the gym I am famished and starting nibbling on almonds and chocolate chips because they are easily accessible.  Woops.  Anyway, dinner was a delicious chicken stir fry.

And dessert?  Oh goodness, ladies, watch out.  This is one for the books.  I literally could not stop eating this and, had it not been for a movie we were trying to catch (yes, Inception, and it's freaking amazing like everyone says!), would've finished the whole thing shortly.  And it's so so simple!  Matt said he saw Alton Brown make it on Food Network the other day.  A just barely tangy and incredibly sweet sauce for just about anything.  Dipping fruit (I opted for strawberries) or pretzels, drizzling on pound cake or graham crackers, yum.  It takes no time at all to throw together and can be refrigerated in a sealed container for up to a week.

Sweet & Sour Dessert Sauce
(adapted from Alton Brown)

1/2 cup sour cream
2 Tablespoons honey

Place honey in a small bowl and microwave for 15 seconds, just enough to loosen up the honey a bit.  Whisk in the sour cream.  Serve over anything and enjoy!  And, you know, don't be surprised if girls become a bit territorial with this stuff -- it's out of this world good :)

Today is National Watermelon Day!

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