Friday, December 24, 2010

Tracking Santa!

It's Christmas Eve, folks!  The halls are decked, cookies baked, cards sent... what's left to do?  Find out where the jolly guy is, of course.

When I was much younger, my scientifically-oriented mind (thanks to an engineer for a father) constantly had me questioning the logistics of Santa's mission.  What fueled the sleigh?  Did he have to stop somewhere to refuel and feed the reindeer?  What if a reindeer fell ill?  Did Santa visit houses without chimneys?  Because Australia is a day ahead of us, does that means Santa delivers for more than one night? ... I resent any hint that I was an obnoxious or precocious child. :)  My parents and any other adult who were my audience probably disagree.

Today, kids have an awesome resource to satisfy their curiosity.  NORAD (which stands for North American Aerospace Defense Command) has created a Santa tracker.  They explain how it works -- fighter jets, how cool!

And, with that, I'm off for the weekend with my family.  I wish all of you a safe, healthy, and happy holiday.  Remember the true meaning of the occasion and have a very blessed and Merry Christmas!  :)

1 comment:

  1. BLOG= SUPER SUPER PERFECT and just so nice!!!
