In case you've just joined me, I'm sharing super comforting and hearty recipes that aren't going to break the bank... or the waistband in your pants. There was the velvety baked potato soup. And don't forget the penne with goat cheese and butternut squash. Today I've got something that will even jive with your busy party schedule. Hear me out.
We've all done it. Skipped dinner before a holiday party knowing that we'll indulge in many treats once we see the buffet of choices. But then, after some grazing, it hits you around 10 o'clock -- intense hunger!?!?! The kind that hits you like a ton of bricks that you can't ignore. The kind that reminds you that you haven't had anything substantial in way too many hours.
Instead of skipping dinner so you can try that totally sinful chocolate pecan pie (ahem, this one) without guilt, why not have something packed full of vegetables that will keep you full for hours on end so you don't overeat at the party and can focus on the delightful jolly makers you only get to see a few times a year (and hey, those slightly-annoying-but-worth-paying-attention-to-for-a story-to-share-with-friends-later guests, too).