Friday, January 10, 2014

Fast Friday: English muffin breakfast pizza

Happy day, guys!  I've got a few reasons for you to smile and get excited:

It's Friday!  This has been my first full week back at work after the holidays, and thanks to a busy office, it's breezed by.  It actually feels nice to get back into a regular routine.

Tomorrow's Saturday!  Do you have anything fun planned?  For the first time in months, we have nothing on the calendar.  I'd like to get a few organizing projects finished around the apartment, but after hibernating all week, we may have to venture out because...

The polar vortex has been lifted!  The predicted high temperature for Pittsburgh tomorrow is 51.  What.  As long as the rain holds off, I'm looking forward to a long run outdoors.  It's been a while, and the convenience of the hamster wheel treadmill is waning.

I've returned to a normal cooking and baking routine and, once I do a little catch-up this weekend, I'll have loads of new recipes to start sharing with you next week.

Until then, I've got one more quick and eat breakfast recipe to jump-start your morning -- English muffin breakfast pizzas!

You know how Matt and I have a thing for pizza on Fridays?  Well, this genius planned to make chicken for dinner (channeling Ina Garten, perhaps?).  Still craving a crusty and cheesy pie, I decided to put my own spin on it and enjoy the result for breakfast.

I split an English muffin and topped it with a whole bunch of good stuff that you'd find on any traditional pizza: baby spinach, marinara sauce, cheese, pepperoni, and seasonings.

And then I breakfast-i-fied it by adding a dippy on top of each half.  Popped it into the oven and, a few minutes later, pulled out a sunny side up pizza breakfast for one!

Pizza -- hot pizza, to boot -- for breakfast has never tasted this good.  The best part is when the yolk breaks and dribbles down the side of the muffin like a creamy sauce.

Mouth full, hands tied, taste buds happy, y'all!   (Can you tell I've recently started watching Friday Night Lights?  "Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose.")

Pizza for breakfast, football for lunch and dinner... this is going to be a fantastic weekend.  Wishing you the same!

One year ago: Roasted kale, potatoes & tomatoes with chicken
Two years ago: Chicken enchiladas
Three years ago: Shrimp & spinach salad with bacon dressing
Four years ago: Old Bay roasted sweet potatoes

English Muffin Breakfast Pizza
-makes 1

A few notes: Use whatever cheese and pizza toppings you like.  Grated mozzarella or sliced provolone would be fabulous on these, too.  We didn't have them on hand but next time I'll be sure to try them.  The parmesan was just as delicious though.

1 English muffin, split
Handful baby spinach
4 slices pepperoni
2-3 Tablespoons marinara sauce
2 eggs
Grated parmesan cheese
Ground black pepper
Dried basil & oregano (or pizza seasoning)

Preheat oven broiler.  Coat inside of two small ramekins liberally with nonstick spray.  Crack one egg into each ramekin.  Place in oven under broiler until whites are opaque.  Meanwhile, toast English muffin just barely so it's no longer soft and doughy.

(Note: If you don't have ramekins, you can easily cook two dippy eggs in a nonstick pan on the stove-top.)

Remove muffin halves and place on foil-lined baking sheet.  On one half, arrange a few spinach leaves and add a tablespoon or so of marinara sauce.  Place one egg on top of sauce.  Sprinkle on cheese and season with pepper, basil and oregano.  Repeat with remaining muffin half and ingredients.

Place baking sheet under broiler for 2 to 3 minutes until warmed through.  Remove, plate, and enjoy immediately.

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