Monday, March 4, 2013

Sizzlin' slow cooker month recap

March has certainly come in like a lion around these parts!  It's only the 4th of the month, and it's already been a roaring good time.  Oh yes, she went there. :)

In a little under 36 hours, there was an absolutely beautiful bridal shower for one of my best friends, Julie:

A very fun bachelorette party (recipe for delicious mac and cheese bites I made coming soon!).  

And an early birthday celebration dinner at Rock Bottom for Matt.  Great food, great beers (so I'm told), and great friends!

So far, so good, March!  But, with exciting beginnings also come inevitable ends.  We said farewell to February and sizzlin' slow cooker month.  I seriously can't believe how quickly it passed.  Talking with a friend about it last night, I realized that with a little bit of planning and minimal prep, I realized that my Crock Pot Louie really spoiled me for a few weeks.  I learned a few things, too...

1. Not all slow cooker meals must begin with a can of "cream of something" condensed soup.
2. Slow cooker meals can be incredibly healthy and balanced
3. Slow cookers aren't just for soups and stews, but solid foods, too!
4. Crock Pot cooking makes the kitchen/apartment/house smell wonderful
5. Quantities can be adjusted easily so making 12 servings isn't mandatory

All in all, it was a great culinary challenge, and my love for our slow cooker has been rekindled!  Here are all of the Crock Pot-friendly recipes I made over the past month so that you, too, can put your very own Louie to work:

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